Build Your Own Brand and Be Your Own Boss: Tips To Go From Just Thinking About Entrepreneurship To Just Doing It

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Build Your Own Brand and Be Your Own Boss: Tips To Go From Just Thinking About Entrepreneurship To Just Doing It

by Frederika Angus

Wealth. Excitement. Opportunity. Family. Change. Freedom. Control.

There are a variety of reasons why business owners take the leap of faith into entrepreneurship including those on list above. While those general reasons will get you started, it takes more than inspiration, desire and hope to build a brand that you are passionate about and sparks lasting loyalty from your customers and brands.

Branding when done right will help you be found, be heard and be profitable. As you begin to build and grow your business brand and work for yourself, keep these tips in mind.

1. To thine own self be true – Ok so I didn’t originally pen this one but in order to build a business and brand that attracts your ideal client, nothing is more important than being yourself. As I work with different clients on bringing their professional and business brands online, we often take a look at what others are doing in the marketplace to determine their online business model, product offering, marketing message and the overall brand experience. The goal in this activity is not to replicate, duplicate or even imitate what similar brands are doing. It helps to further refine what they like and do not like. Every brand has its own DNA and as you create the business and life of your dreams remember to #BeBrandYou. Be authentic, be unique and remember be true to who you are.

2. Branding what you know helps your business grow – Simply put expertise sells. If you’re looking to start a business that will create a lasting legacy for generations to come, it’s best you start with what you know. If you don’t have a clue about baking, starting a business coaching other bakers is a recipe (pun intended) for instant failure and disappointment. It’s also faulty to believe that just because someone else you like and respect is doing something that you will be able to get the same results that they have. You can have the same ability and know how but if it isn’t your highest level of mastery you’ll find yourself frustrated. It isn’t important that your brand master everything. Start small, use what you know, and grow from there.

3. Even the strongest person needs support – Visionary entrepreneurs have dreams that seem to be bigger than life itself. As a mom of 4, I can tell you with all certainty that while you can carry a baby alone, delivering that baby is not something that you want to do alone. You want a team of people ready to help and support you. The same is true of your business “baby.” Get your support team around you that includes, mentors, graphic designers, legal counsel, accountants, web developers and assistants. While you can do much of the work on your own, having support allows your brand to go so much further.

I had the opportunity and honor to sit down with an awesome Virtual Assistant coach, Tiffany Parson and discuss how I got started in business and work from the comfort of my home daily. This interview really is the insider look at how I went from employee to entrepreneur as I build a brand and enjoy being my own boss. Included are tips on how to get started, tools I use in my business daily and exactly what you need to get your business started online. I invite you to listen to the interview NOW! 

Be sure to let me know over on my Facebook page what you learned from the interview!

Talk to you soon!

Frederika Angus

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