You Are Now Free to Fly


You Are Now Free to Fly

by Frederika Angus

Here in the United States, we are celebrating the 4th of July or Independence Day. By this afternoon, backyards and parks will be filled with family and friends gathered together to celebrate the holiday. Fireworks will fill the night sky as we look up with childlike wonder at colorful displays with reverence the freedom we have.

But what does freedom really mean?

Freedom is defined as 1) The right to speak or act without restriction, interference, or fear, or; 2) a country’s right to rule itself, without interference from, or domination by, another country or power, or; 3) the state of being unaffected by, or not subject to, something unpleasant or unwanted.

On today, I believe the 2nd part of that definition is what immediately comes to mind. But the freedom that we have and live daily is more than a corporate freedom by default of living in a free country. I believe freedom is much more personal than that and can be expressed regardless of the location or country in which you live.

Daily, I’m honored to serve brilliant entrepreneur and visionary business owners all over the world. When asked how they started their business, you’ll the hear multiple stories from just looking to add an additional (or primary) income, chasing dreams to turn their passion to profit, being laid off, wanting to bring a bigger change to the problems they see around them or even just sick and tired of being sick and tired of the same thing day after day. While each story is individual in details, you can hear woven together in the telling of their business beginnings one common thread; business gives you freedom to be and do what you love.

And on the surface it means, you get to do what you want, when you want, if you want. But much on a much deeper level your business has the right to speak a message of light to those in darkness, and the ability to share hope and show love to every person you serve. You are free to face your own fears BOLDY and say, “I do not choose to shrink down and accept what is given to me. I am determined to take leaps of faith (often daily) to build and create the business and life that I love!

Bald Eagle Soaring

You are now free to fly!

Take a look at that definition again! You can speak and act without fear. You can look at limitations and restrictions and choose to go over, around and even through any hinderance to you living your best life right now. You can choose to not be affected by those things that are unpleasant or unwanted. Freedom is your right to live as a creator of your circumstance based on what you say and do! You can soar like an eagle.

So today and everyday remember that you have the right and full on permission to be more and impact many others with your business and your life. See you in the friendly skies. You are free to fly!

Talk to you soon!

Frederika Angus



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