Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read

Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read

by Frederika Angus

The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything – Guy Kawasaki

A no-nonsense approach to business start-up. Guy really breaks down the best approach to starting a business and what stops people from starting one. Sometimes the thought of starting a business seems so complex. This book will simplify business concepts. He does write from the perspective of one that has started up technology companies nevertheless, there are lessons for anyone looking to start a business in any industry. Learn how to stop thinking so much about starting and move to actually starting with this manual. He interjects humor and has tons of practical application to guide you from the starting block to actual movement.

Purple Cow – Seth Godin

This book encourages you to examine what you are doing or not doing to be a leader in your industry. It challenges you to think outside the box, and create extraordinary campaigns, messages and results. We live in a world where ordinary has become invisisble. Business owners or those looking to revolutionize their thinking can benefit from the mindset adjustment that comes from reading this book. To succeed in business products must have high, lasting value, be talked about often and be outstanding. Purple Cow will inspire you to stand out from the crowd.


The War of Art – Steven Pressfield

Each of you were made on purpose for a purpose. The War of Art discusses the force of nature that anyone living on purpose has to face and master. Resistance is internal and external and is usually a huge roadblock that prevents people from moving forward. While the author of this book is a writer and typically recommended to those with writer’s block, this book will eliminate the excuses that you use to tell yourself that you can’t do exactly what you are designed to do. Pressfield says, “Our job in this lifetime is to find out who we already are and become it.” This book is great encouragement to pursue your dreams and get started while kicking resistance out of your way.

How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie 

Why would an entrepreneur want friends in business? Don’t they say friends and business don’t mix? Being an outstanding businessperson will depend on the relationships you can develop with current and potential customers and clients. This book will teach you how to do just that. Sure there are other books you could read regarding customer service. Thankfully, Carnegie’s classic is bigger than customer service. It really guides small business owners into how to translate people skills into leadership, sales and public relations skills with very practical and easy to implement solutions.


Good to Great – Jim Collins

Good To Great is a must read for any entrepreneur or CEO. It reminds every reader that the most effective leaders are humble and that leaders of great companies don’t start with “where” but with “who.” They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats. Once you have the right people in the right seats, the journey doesn’t matter, you’ll succeed.

What books have you read that are on your must-read list for current and prospective entrepreneurs? Share them and other comments below.

Talk to you soon!

Is This the Year You Finally Get Serious About Your Business?

Is This the Year You Finally Get Serious About Your Business?

by Frederika Angus

It’s the first work day of this new year. We’ve celebrated and wished each other a happy and prosperous year. While we are thinking of all the things we want to accomplish in our lives and through our businesses, I need to have a serious conversation with you.

Is this the year that you will get serious about your business?

I know you have new ideas, vision boards, and strategies you would like to implement. Some of you may even have years of business ventures written down. You’ve put off starting your website. You haven’t opened your business checking account or even gotten a business license. Or maybe you’ve already started a business but you haven’t invested money into marketing and branding. You know there are trainings you need to take and conferences that you can attend that will accelerate your businesses growth but you continue to talk yourself out it.

So what exactly are you waiting on?

I remember when I stepped out of fear and into faith to start my current business. Now, I had done business activities for pay previously. I wasn’t a newbie to business ownership. Only this time, this wasn’t the side job that brought in enough extra money for me to buy shoes. When I started this business consulting and coaching firm, it was for all the marbles. It was time to sink or swim and I was filled with “what ifs.”

I later learned that all those what ifs were intended to keep me from doing exactly what I am designed to do, what I am uniquely prepared for and great at doing, serving businesses and business owners in such a way that moves them from their current state, to their next level.

Steven Pressfield’s book, The War of Art, calls that inner voice that questions if this is the right time, or the right move, if you can afford it or even if you are good enough to even compete, resistance. He says of resistance, “Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.”

If that describes how you’ve felt about your business endeavors, if you have the same inner voice, the same fears, CONGRATULATIONS! You are likely on the right track. Maybe you need some additional help to refine the details and design a roadmap but the big picture show that you ARE positioned for forward movement.

Being positioned is a great start now YOU have to step on the gas to actually move and gain momentum. If you are ready to be serious, it is time NOW to kick fear out of the driver’s seat and regain control of building the life you desire through your business. Let’s do it together.

“He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

Talk to you soon!

5 Lessons I Learned About Business In Second Grade

5 Lessons I Learned About Business In Second Grade


Most people believe that only children are spoiled and live a lifestyle where all their desires are met with a yes. Only children seem to have everything at an arm’s reach and don’t work for anything. I’ll admit, that generally, all of this is true. Unless, of course, you’re my parents’ daughter. My mother and father grew up working for everything they had as children were adamant that I learn the value of work from an early age.

When I asked for extra lunch money to be able to buy a dessert at lunch in the second grade, after having a good laugh at my expense, my dad sat me down. “My job as your parent is to provide for your needs not your wants. Last I checked you have a roof over your head, food to eat and a bed to sleep in. If you want to purchase extras like desserts, I suggest you find a way to make some extra money,” he explained.

“But DAAAD!” *insert cute 7 year old puppy dog face*

“No. You’re smart enough to figure out how to get what you want. Go figure out what you need to do, then do it.”

Now typically I would I have complained about how mean he was and how unfair life was because of this great injustice I’d suffered. Well maybe I did do that just a tiny bit, yet the challenge of the task my dad had placed before me immediately intrigued me. Surely he understood that I couldn’t go out and get a job. I could barely reach the counter to place an order at McDonald’s and was pretty sure they weren’t looking for a fry cook that hadn’t even completed elementary school. Besides if I couldn’t convince my own parents to ante up for their sweet child surely no one else would. But the question still lingered in my mind, what on earth could a 7 year old do to make money?

That’s when I learned my first lesson about business.

#1 – Anytime is a good time to start a business. There seems to be a common misconception surrounding the timing in which one should begin their journey as an entrepreneur. I’ve heard all the excuses before. You’ve probably even said them yourself. Do any of these sound familiar :

“I’m too old”

“I’m too young”

“I don’t have enough experience”

“I don’t have enough money”

Starting a business is as simple. The stars don’t need to be perfectly aligned for you to have an idea, create a product, or provide a service. It simply requires the faith to step out and try and the dedication to keep going.

As I pondered what I could do that would quickly generate income, I was reminded of all the kids that had a good old lemonade stand. While in general, it’s a great repeatable endeavor, I knew sitting in the sun, shooing flies away from my product, while cars sped by and the neighborhood kids begged for a cup on “credit” didn’t excite me. No amount of money could have convinced me otherwise.

#2 – Choose a business you’re passionate about. Your chances of being successful in business are much greater if you love what you do. Following the crowd, instead of your heart, typically leaves you with regrets and disappointments. You’ll know what you’re passionate about because your heart beats a little faster when you think about it. It’s the thing you can’t get out of your mind, the thing that you’d do for free if it weren’t for those pesky bills. When I started my first business, my thing, along with every other kid was candy. And so a business was born.

Selling candy to kids who were also candy fiends should be an easy task. With an idea in my head of becoming rich by selling treats, I went back to my dad to ask for some start-up money.

#3 – Investors may like your idea but they put their money where your plan is. “I’m glad you put some thought into how you could reach your goal,” my dad said, “but before I invest any money into this, I need to know exactly how you plan to sell your candy. Who are your ideal customers? How much will you charge? What candy will you sell and where will you get it from? And the most important question of all, how and when you will pay me back.” It wasn’t until I had a detailed, written plan that I received financing (and a ride to Sam’s to purchase the candy). Having a roadmap to my business success kept me accountable not only to my sole investor, but also to myself.

#4 – Word of mouth is a great marketing tool. It’s not enough just have products and services at a price customers are willing to pay. Customers need to know that you are providing a product or service that they are interested in. With internet and the usage of social media today, there are many avenues to drive people to your business both online and offline. I enlisted my neighbor to be my spokesperson by telling her for every 5 paying customers that she sent to me, I’d give her a choice of one piece of candy free. Before I knew it, I was the most popular kid businesswoman in school.

#5 – Listen, listen, listen to what your customers want, then deliver. One of the most critical qualities of an entrepreneur is not in your sales ability but in your listening skills. Once you have a base of customers, they will tell you where to expand, what to focus your research and development on, and how to reach more clientele. Well, they won’t say it in those words, but they will share what they do and don’t like or what they wish you offered. I began my business by only selling the candy that I liked. I learned to take note of what other treats were being asked for and as the time arose to restock, I’d be sure to purchase the most popular ones. I built a reputation on providing results by obtaining what my customers’ sweet tooth desired.

The skills I learned at 7 helped me develop and sustain a successful business several years until I went to high school.

Share a comment below with your thoughts. If you are looking for more support in building the business of your dreams and living the life you envisioned, be sure to join me on Facebook now and follow me on Twitter.

Talk to you soon!
