Questions To Ask A Business Coach? Let Me Hear From You!

Questions To Ask A Business Coach? Let Me Hear From You!

By Frederika Angus

The value of business coaches and mentors in my business has been enormous. They have helped me get out of my own way in several instances, answered questions as to how to price and position products and services in the marketplace and even helped me stay on top of my game by adding an extra level of accountability.
It would not have been possible to reach my first $100,000 in revenue, within the first 8 months of my company as a solopreneur, without the expertise of those who are succeeding in business and willing to share their wisdom.
I value each of you and I want to be certain to serve you all in the best way possible as you start, build and grow your businesses and organizations. 
I am honored to bring the past 11 years of experience I have from developing strategies, techniques and solutions for recognized corporate clients such as, DaimlerChrysler, Accenture, Allstate, Bank of America and Wells Fargo. I have worked with them to improve their business processes, enhance their marketing, cohesively brand their online presence, save and make them money.
Now, I’m bringing that knowledge to you.

Although my schedule is very limited to answer questions on an individual basis, I would like to hear from you!

If you had the opportunity to ask a business coach or a mentor, anything that would help move you and your business forward, what would you want to know more about?

Is it social media marketing?

Branding techniques for any budget?

The best software or tools to help you better manage your time?

Are you looking to learn how to add residual income into your business?

Take some time and ask me a question in the comments below.

No question is to small or for that case too big. The only stupid questions are those that aren’t asked. Your question may be the one that will help many others.

If there are areas where you are struggling in your business or need to gain clarity, ask a business coach.

Post your question now!

I’m looking forward to it.

Talk to you soon!

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  1. Hi Frederika, I own an accounting/Business Organization business. Im looking for ways to add residual income to the company, what do you suggest? Also, what kind of networking would you recommend for someone in my position (MBA Student, Full time worker, Single mother, business owner) with minimal free time?

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