Huge Key to Success With Your Direct Sales, Network Marketing Opportunities and Products As An Independent Consultant

Huge Key to Success With Your Direct Sales, Network Marketing

Opportunities and Products As An Independent Consultant

by Frederika Angus


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I use to hate network marketing companies.

Yes, I know hate is a strong word. I’m just being honest. My dad was involved in one (ahem several) as I was growing up. He was constantly at some sales training or networking mixer, hosting a business opportunity meeting at a random hotel ballroom or calling tons of people on the phone to convince them to buy into his product or service.

Before call waiting and waaaay before kids had cell phones, having my dad use the phone for hours just was not going to get rave reviews from me!

But even more than that, every time he started in one of these opportunities our family dynamic changed.

I grew up in a home where family was a top priority. My mom spent 8 years of her life dedicated to being home with me, and creating a comfortable home. She had dinner ready at 6 when my dad walked in and we ate together.

But when my dad had these extra events to go to because of his new business venture that would really bring in the bucks, part of our family fun around the dinner table was missing. And it seemed like he worked so hard but never saw the returns the business opportunity promised.

As I got older and grew in my own career with eCommerce and online marketing and even joined my own direct sales company, I realized what I did not like wasn’t those organizations or even the multi-level marketing (MLM) business model. It was not having my dad around in the name of working a business outside of his full-time job. It was how hard he had to work to see minimal returns.

I work everyday with some incredibly savvy entrepreneurs and business owners. Some of my clients are even in direct sales and networking marketing organizations.

The big key that I’ve seen to their success is instead of travelling all over telling others about their product or services, they’ve branded themselves and moved the relationship building online.

Yes, I know your upline sponsor told you once you got the business kit a standard website was also included. Yes, I understand your special web link that includes your 8 digits customer id tracks your sales for your bonuses.

So why on earth would you invest in an additional website?

People do business with people not products and services. People will remember your unique domain name. They won’t recall your customer ID, or worse yet, what if they mistype it and someone else gets the credit?

Those that have their own custom branded website around who they are and how they can help are seeing amazing results in their business. Bringing a blog along as a major part of the website allows clients and potential business partners to understand who you are, why you believe in your products, and how they work, show off the results that people are having in your organization, and how to get started.

No more reading a script to prospect people. No more having to beg every person you know to try a sample or host a party. No more spending two hours in a hotel conference room after a long day at work or on the weekends.

Branding yourself in direct sales and network marketing with your own website is a game changer.

The best part is your time is now freed up because your branded website can do some of the work for you! A skilled website designer can link your products and services to your specific company link from your branded website and you’ll still get the credit.

Investing in branding yourself on the web works for direct sales and networking marketing and is a huge key to success.

Have you seen results by branding yourself for your company? Do you have questions on what your next step should be?

Leave a comment below. I’d love to help.

Talk to you soon!

Frederika Angus