Is it Better to Use Your Business Logo or a Picture of Yourself on Social Media?
by Frederika Angus
Last week, I met one of my new twitter followers by accident.
On social media, I am determined to be authentic and to be my best me all the time. I make sure that I share valuable information about business and always sprinkle my personality in. I even share personable details about myself and my life without crossing the line to being way too personal.
Most, if not all, of my followers know from my tweets I am a HUGE sports enthusiast. Our kids have played sports since they were big enough to walk. We also have season tickets to both our local NFL and NBA teams While out at a Charlotte Bobcats game with the family, apparently I was really into the music they were playing. (Music is another of my loves!) The cameraman thought that it would a great opportunity to put me on the big screen for the enjoyment of thousands. You know to hype up the rest of the crowd!

[Bobcat player Reggie Williams signing autographs before the game]
I didn’t think much of it then but as we were preparing to head out with the rest of the crowd, someone tapped me on the shoulder.
“I would recognize you anywhere. You’re Frederika, from twitter,” she said. “Seeing at you on the JumbTron is just like seeing your picture when you tweet!”
She continued to share how she appreciated the content I shared on Twitter and was glad that she could meet me in person. It was as if we already knew each other just from our interaction on social media.
If you desire expert branding, being the face of your business and connecting with your clients (and your potential customers) in a memorable way, your profile picture needs to be of you. Steve Jobs was masterful at being the face of Apple and by doing so not only created loyal brand enthusiast but built a significant legacy for years to come.
Achieving the same is possible for you and made easy through social media. Using social media to brand and position yourself puts you on the same playing field as the big guys, quickly with minimal cost. That is where your customers hang out, search and digest the majority of their information. Putting a clear, professional headshot up as your profile picture makes a big difference in the level of connection and relationship you develop with your clients. Unless you are already have household brand recognition through your logo, becoming the face your brand is the best way to elevate your brand and expand your business to the next level.
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Talk to you soon,